Monday, February 18, 2008

Basics of ArcView GIS 3.x Graphical User Interface (GUI) PART I FREE!!

CLICK PLAY button above

ArcView GIS 3.x (visit Room 027 in your spare time for access)
Adobe Flash Player 9 or higher, get it: DOWNLOAD
Knowledge of Windows: XP /Vista (we will try to help you folks with more on the basics in class)
Compatible sound card: with speakers for audio.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system of applications (software), hardware, data, human knowledge and qualified personnel to present information through analysis (data analysis) and manipulation of data linked to spatial (geographic) location.

I have developed the above definition based on experience, literature and skills I have acquired over the years both in field and outside the GIS conventional field. Even today I cannot claim to have reached the ultimate definition of GIS since more complex technologies and advancement are being developed every day. The human knowledge component has proved to be an integral part of the GIS process, since being a GIS guru alone using software cannot guarantee optimal results. We will discuss more of these interesting debates in class if we have to, but for now enjoy my first FREE online video GIS tutorial.

This series: Basics of ArcView GIS 3.x Graphical User Interface (GUI) is part of my interests in developing Multimedia GIS Projects (MGP) in the field of what I call the multimedia GIS era. I have already shared insights with some students in class (ENV 456, ENV 216) with modern examples as used in news channels like CNN and the BBC, and how Multimedia GIS is shaping and guiding the future of GIS concepts. In addition read more on the development and the future of Google Earth from Google Inc
As a kind gesture to my students & Staff within the Department of Environmental Science –University of Botswana (UB) the first part of this series is FREE of CHARGE to quickly assist and enhance the learning GIS experience application in the next series of Labs this semester. As time and resources permits will continue to provide these tutorials FREE online.

If your internet connection is slow you might have to wait a few seconds to allow buffering. I suggest you pause playback during buffering. From my experience try accessing early morning or late afternoon to night in UB since connection seems to faster during this period otherwise try private connections/home/internet cafes if you can.

In future I might make a secure download link.
Tested and works



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