Saturday, December 29, 2007

Official UVa Study Abroad 2007 DVD covers

People Culture and the Environment of Southern Africa" a DVD preview show casing close U.S student's interviews ,their pre and post perception ideologies and concepts about Southern Africa in general as followed by O.G.S.O Kgosidintsi for 4 weeks of intense study abroad program in South Africa and Mozambique.

will be in Charlottesville from Jan 1st as a resource person (presentation & participation) during the Jterm course(Ethics, Protocols and Practice of International Research) coordinated by Prof: Bob Swap. With the aid of this DVD my objective will be to share insight about conducting research away from one's home country.

keep watching this space...more to come.. will keep you posted.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Seasons Greetings

Congratulation on your exam results, hope you did well on other exams.

Just wanted to wish everyone a warm and memorable Christmas holiday.Let your smiles continue to shine in the New year.THANK YOU CLASS for all the HARD WORK and cooperation.

without you guys- there is no UB.

all the best for next semester.

We love you.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

Discuss applications of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Types of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
The principle behind.
Which type does our department have: advantages and limitations?
Why it is essential: which elements are usually detected with this technique?
Basic calibration and procedure for analysis: BOBS standards on specific elements and their implications.
NB: use of diagrams /illustrations is encouraged.
The discussion should be 3-5 pages including illustrations
Citations and references where applicable
Victims will be heavily penalized for such an act.
Refer any questions by e-mail for clarification
Thank you

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007


NOTE: TEST 2 date : 8,November, 2007


Nitrate reacts with sodium salicylate under strongly acidic conditions. Addition of excess sodium hydroxide solution produces the sodium salt of the organic nitro complex. This nitro compound is soluble in water and produces a strong yellow solution. The intensity of the color is proportional to the amount of nitrate in the sample and is measured at 410 nm on a spectrophotometer. A calibration graph relates absorbance to nitrate concentration.


0 – 80 mg/l using a 5 ml aliquot of sample. The range may be extended by taking a smaller sample volume or by diluting the sample.


Sodium salicylate (0.5 % w/v).
Dissolve 0.5  0.01g of laboratory reagent grade sodium salicylate in 100 ml of distilled water. Store in a cool place but prepare every 10 days.

Sodium hydroxide (25 % w/v).
Dissolve 25  0.1g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in 70 ml of distilled water. When cool, dilute to 100 ml with distilled water

Sulphuric acid (Concentrated). Analar grade S.G. 1.84

Standard Nitrate (stock) solution 1 ml = 500 g NO3.
Dissolve 0.815  0.001g of Analar potassium nitrate previously dried at 110oC in approximately 100 ml of distilled water. Quantitatively transfer to a 1000 ml volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with distilled water. Mix well.

Standard Nitrate (working) solution (A), 1 ml = 50 g NO3.
Pipette 10.0 ml of standard nitrate (stock) solution into a 100 ml volumetric flask, dilute to the mark with distilled water. Mix well.

Standard Nitrate (working) solution (B), 1 ml = 5 g NO3.
Pipette 10.0 ml of standard nitrate working solution ‘A’ into 100 ml volumetric flasks, dilute to the mark with distilled water. Mix well.


Water bath
UV/visible range spectrophotometer.
General laboratory glassware.

Calibration procedure

Into a series of 100 ml pyrex beakers, dispense using a micro-burette the volume of standard nitrate working solutions shown in the table below;

Vol. of standard nitrate (working solution in ml) wt NO3 (g) Measure in the following size cell (mm)
0.00 0 (Blank) 40
1.00 5 40
2.00 10 40
5.00 25 40
10.00 50 40

2.00 100 10
4.00 200 10
6.00 300 10
8.00 400 10

Continue as under procedure 6.2 to 6.7

For each size cell, construct a calibration graph relating absorbance to weight of nitrate.


Pipette 5.00 ml of sample into 100 ml pyrex beaker. If more than 80 mg/l nitrate is expected, pipette a smaller aliquot or dilute sample accordingly. Note sample volume (v) used and dilution (d).

Add using a pipette, 2.0 ml of sodium salicylate solution (0.5% w/v). Mix well and evaporate to dryness on a water bath.

Remove from water bath and add using a pipette and safety pipette filler 1.0 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid. Mix well and allow to stand for 10 minutes.

Dilute to approximately 50 ml with distilled water.

Add using a measuring cylinder 10 ml of sodium hydroxide solution (25 % w/v). Mix thoroughly.

When cool, quantitatively transfer the solution to a 100 ml volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with distilled water. Stopper and mix well.
Measure the absorbance on a spectrophotometer against the blank (100 % transmission) in either a 10 mm cell or 40 mm cell at a wavelength of 410 nm: note the reading

If it is thought that a significant error may be introduced by color or turbidity in the sample, a duplicate sample should be treated exactly as under 6.1 to 6.7 but omitting the addition of the sodium salicylate solution, Step 6.2. Subtract the absorbance of this solution from that obtained for the sample to which salicylate solution has been added.

Select the calibration graph for the size of cell used and read- off the weight of nitrate present in the solution.

Nitrate content

g NO3 * d/ v mg/l

Where v = sample volume (ml) used and
d = dilution where appropriate.

For nitrate concentrations up to 10 mg/l, report to nearest 0.1 mg/l, above 10 mg/l, report to nearest mg/l.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Determination of dissolved oxygen in waters and waste water

Hope you guys enjoyed the holidays, di kae dijo tsa boipuso?
OK lets kick start for next weeks lab.


Dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in natural and waste waters depend on the physical, chemical and biological activities in the water body and its determination is a key test in water pollution and wastewater treatment process control. Before selecting a method for the determination of DO in water samples, the effect of interference, especially oxidizing and reducing materials that may be present in the sample are considered. Certain oxidizing agents liberate iodine from iodides (positive interference) and some reducing agents reduce iodine to iodide (negative interference). Most organic matter is oxidized partially when the oxidized manganese precipitate is acidified, thus causing negative errors.

There are basically two methods of DO determination; the Winkler or iodometric method and the electrometric method, which uses electrodes. The iodometric method is a titration procedure based on the oxidizing property of DO while the membrane electrode procedure is based on the rate of diffusion of molecular oxygen across a membrane. The choice of procedure depends on the interference present, the accuracy desired and in some cases convenience and experience. Several modifications have been made on the iodometric method to minimize the effect of interference, among which is the Azide modification, the permanganate modification, the alum flocculation modification and the cupper sullfate-sulframic acid flocculation modification. The Azide modification of the Winkler technique will be employed in this practical. This method is appropriate for most wastewater and effluents, (which constitute our samples) and is the most precise and reliable titrimetric procedure for DO analyses. It effectively removes interferences caused by nitrite, which is the most common interference in biologically treated effluents and incubated BOD samples.


General laboratory glassware
DO bottles
Titration set up


a. Manganous sulphate solution: Dissolve 480g MnSO4.4H2O, 400g MnSO4.2H2O, or 364g. MnSO4.H2O in distilled water, filter if dissolution is incomplete, and dilute to 1L. The MnSO4 solution should not give a color with starch when added to an acidified potassium iodide (KI) solution.
b. Alkali-iodide-azide reagent: Dissolve 500g NaOH (or 700g KOH) and 135g NaI (or 150g KI) in distilled water and dilute to 1L. Add 10g NaN3 dissolved in 40ml distilled water. This reagent should not give a colour with starch solution when diluted and acidified.
c. Sulphuric acid H2SO4 conc:
d. Starch: Use either an aqueous solution or soluble starch powder mixture: To prepare an aqueous solution, dissolve 2g laboratory grade soluble starch and 0.2g salicylic acid as a preservative in 100 ml hot distilled water
e. Standard sodium thiosulfate titrant (Na2S2O3): Dissolve 6.205g Na2S2O3.5H2O in distilled water. Add 1.5ml 6N NaOH or 0.4 g solid NaOH and dilute to 1000ml. Standardize with bi-iodate solution.
f. Standard bi-iodate solution, 0.0021M: dissolve 812.4mg KH (IO3)2 in distilled water and dilute to 1000ml
g. Potassium fluoride solution: dissolve 40g KF.2H2O in distilled water and dilute to 100 ml.


Standardization: Dissolve approximately 2g KI free from iodate in 100 - 150 ml distilled water in an Erlenmeyer flask. Add 1 ml 6N H2SO4 or a few drops of conc H2SO4 and 20ml standard bi-iodate solution. Dilute to 200ml and titrate liberated iodine with thiosulfate titrant, adding a few drops of starch towards the end of titration, when a pale straw color is reached. Titrate to the first disappearance of the blue color.

1. Rinse a 300 ml BOD bottle with sample and pour the sample into the BOD.
2. Add 1 ml MnSO4 solution followed by 1 ml alkali-iodide azide reagent. If pipes are dipped into sample, rinse them before returning them to reagent bottles. Alternatively, hold pipette tips just above liquid surface when adding reagents.
3. Stopper carefully to exclude air bubbles and mix by inverting bottle a few times
4. When precipitate has settled sufficiently (to approximately half the volume of the bottle) to leave a clear supernatant above the manganese hydroxide floc, add 1.0 ml conc H2SO4
5. Re stopper and mix by inverting several times until dissolution is complete.
6. Titrate a volume corresponding to 200 ml original sample after correction for sample loss by displacement with reagent (for a total of 2 ml i.e. 1ml MnSO4 and 1 ml alkali-iodide-azide reagents in a 300 ml bottle, titrate 200 x 300/300-2) = 201ml.
7. Titrate with 0.025M Na2S2O3 solution to a pale straw color.
8. Add a few drops of starch solution and continue titration to first disappearance of blue color.


For titration of 200 ml sample, 1 ml 0.025M Na2S2O3 should be equal to 1mg DO/l.
If the molarity of the titrant solution is not 0.025M the calculate DO as follows

DO = Vol of Na2S2O3 used x N/0.025

NB: you can also read more online.

Thank you, see you on Monday

Friday, September 14, 2007

Determination of chloride in water samples using the Argentometric Method


Chloride in the form of Cl- ion is one of the major inorganic anions in water and wastewater. In portable water, the salty taste produced by chloride concentrations is variable and dependent on the chemical composition of water. The chloride concentration is higher in wastewater than in raw water. There are five methods used for the determination of chloride ions in water. Selection of method is largely a matter of personal preference. The argentometric method is suitable for relatively clear water. The end point of the mercuric nitrate method is easier to detect. The potentiometric method is suitable for coloured or turbid samples in which colour-indicated end points might be difficult to observe. The ferricyanide method is an automated technique. Ion chromatography may also be used for chloride determination. In this practical, we will be using the Argentometric method. This procedure is based on the principle that in a neutral or slightly alkaline solution, potassium chromate can indicate the end point of the silver nitrate titration of chloride. Silver chloride is precipitated quantitatively before red silver chromate is formed.


General laboratory glassware
Titration set up


Standard silver nitrate titrant (0.0141N (0.0141M): Dissolve 2.395g AgNO3 in distilled water and dilute to 1000 ml. Standardize against NaCl 1.00ml = 500g Cl-

Potassium chromate indicator solution: Dissolve 50g K2CrO4 in a little distilled water. Add AgNO3 solution until a definite red precipitate is formed. Let stand 12 hours, filter and dilute to 1 l with distilled water.

Standard sodium chloride NaCl 0.0141N (0.0141M): Dissolve 824.0 mg NaCl (dried at 140OC) in distilled water and dilute to 1000 ml. 1.00ml = 500 g Cl-

Sodium hydroxide NaOH 1N: dissolve 4g of NaOH in 100 ml distilled water

Hydrogen peroxide H2O2, 30 %

Sulphuric acid H2SO4 1N


Add 1 ml of K2CrO4 indicator to 100 ml of 0.0141 N NaCl in an Erlenmeyer flask
Titrate with standard AgNO3
Calculate actual normality of AgNO3 from end point with NaCl (M1V1 =M2V2)

1. Take a 25 ml portion of well-mixed sample and make it up to 100ml.
2. If sample is highly coloured, add 3 ml (Al(OH)3 suspension, mix, let settle and filter
3. If sulphide, sulphite or thiosulphate is present, add 1 ml H2O2 and stir for 1 min
4. Directly titrate sample in the pH range 7 – 10. Adjust sample pH to 7 –10 with H2SO4 or NaOH if it is not in the range add 1.0 ml K2CrO4 indicator solution.
5. Titrate with standard silver nitrate titrant to a pinkish yellow end point. Be consistent in end point recognition
6. Establish reagent blank by titrating a blank with AgNO3.


Where A = ml titration for sample
B = ml titration for blank
N = normality of AgNO3
d = dilution factor

Deadlines : Assignments and Practicals

Please note and respect deadlines for Assignments and Practicals,As usual late submissions will be heavily penalized

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Format for the lab report



Define the parameter

Significance of Test in water - (introduction, discussion or stands alone!)

• Significance of the test to environment problem (public health, livestock, wildlife, and aquatic species), i.e. how does the parameter being tested affect the environment with specific reference to sampling points/localities.


Including influence from various environmental factors

Methods and analytical techniques (Methodology)

• collection of samples
• methods of preservations of samples
• apparatus, reagents, procedures, precautions etc


• Implications of observed values –what do these values mean? Do they comply with drinking water quality standards?

• What contributed to the observed chlorides values (i.e. possible sources of chlorides) in the different samples

• Based on the results, what are your conclusions- which is more polluted? Which is less polluted?
• And your recommendations (solutions/remedial measures)


try to be innovative in your academic write up!!!!!! Please read relevant Literature

thank you